
Monday, October 28, 2019

How To Pray Effectively Like Ann Preston And John Praying Hyde

1) Pray Effectively By Asking And Telling Jesus About All Your Problems
Don't React To Any Problem; First Tell Jesus The Problem In Prayer
And Jesus Will Fix All Your Problems

     Instead of reacting to problems and trying to fix them without God, first tell Jesus about the problem in prayer, and Jesus will fix every problem with a solution. The bible promises that Jesus will answer all your problems after you pray at Matthew 21:22 that says And all things, whatsoever ye shall ask in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. In other words, tell Jesus about every problem in your life and you will receive an answer and peace to overcome any trouble. Unfortunately, most people try to fix problems on their own before seeking an answer from God for their problems. Take God at His Word and tell Jesus about every single problem bothering you instead of reacting and trying on your own to fix anything. Jesus will give you the solution to fix any problem and give you deliverance from any trouble. 

     Jesus told us at John 16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name, Ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. James 4:2 tells us you have not because you ask not. The Lord Jesus is waiting for you to tell Him your problems so He can fix them. The saints that ask and tell Jesus the most about their problems get blessed the most. Philippians 4:6 tells us Be careful for nothing; but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Make all your requests known to God while you praise Jesus with thanksgiving and you will receive peace that passeth all understanding and deliverance from all your problems. 

     Finally remember that Jesus will not answer requests for sinful pleasures. James 4:2 tells us Ye lust, and have not; ye kill and desire to have and cannot obtain ;Ye fight and war, yet ye have not because ye ask not. Ye ask and receive not because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. Remember the bible says that if anyone regards iniquity or sin in their heart, God will not even hear their prayers. Get saved today so your prayers can be answered; Repent and stop sinning, confess Jesus to be your God, and believe that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again.  

     In order to deny sin daily to have your prayers answered, daily meditate on the Word, go to church, and pray daily. While you meditate and memorize the bible daily, your faith will increase and you will believe your prayer requests. The result will be answered prayer because of faith from the Word. Romans 10:17 tells us So then faith cometh by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God. And the more you read and memorize the bible and go to church to hear the Word, the more God will answer your prayers. Listen to God and God will listen to you. You listen to God by reading the Word and hearing the sermons by preachers at church. 

    Deny sin daily and walk in the perfect will of God to get your prayers answered by God. If you're walking with God and denying sin you will ask for the right things and get answers and solutions.  1 John 5:4 encourages us saying And this is the confidence that we have in Him, that if we ask anything according to His will (not according to our lusts), he heareth us. And if we know that He hears us, whatsoever we ask, we know that we have the petitions that we desired of Him. 

     Finally, pray with a mustard seed of faith in Jesus name and Matthew 17:20 promises that the mountain in your way will move and nothing will be impossible for you. And get in the habit of praying immediately when you get out of bed in the morning before doing any chores. If you first tell Jesus each day about your problems early in the morning the rest of your day will be blessed. Proverbs 8:17 promises that you'll find Jesus if you seek him early every morning; The blessed scripture says I love them that love me; and those that seek me early shall find me.   

A Woman That Prayed Effectively Named Holy Ann Preston

     Ann Preston was a blessed woman that knew how to pray effectively. She lived 96 years from 1810 to 1906 in Canada. Ann was a humble lowly servant that received many amazing answers to her prayers. She always prayed two hours every day and tried to deny sin. Ann Preston didn't know the alphabet and couldn't even read a newspaper; But Jesus blessed Ann to memorize and quote most of the bible. People from all over the world would request Ann Preston to pray for them and they got healed and victory over many problems. You can read about all the miracles that happened when Ann Preston prayed by looking online for a  free book called An Irish Saint; The Life Story of Ann Preston by Helen E. Bingham.

Three Incredible Miracles That Occurred After Ann Preston Prayed
1) The Miracle Of Water In A Dry Well  

     While Ann Preston was a housekeeper for a family of children in Thornhill Canada, a long and scorching summer had completely dried up the well in the farmyard. For many weeks the children had to haul water from another well miles away from the farm. One night after the boys were tired from hauling the water, a little boy named Henry asked Ann Preston to pray for him. Henry asked Ann, Why don't you ask your God to send water in that well and not have us boys work so hard?

     That night in childlike faith, Ann Preston prayed this prayer. Father you have heard what Henry said to me tonight. Will you please send water into the farm's well tomorrow morning?  Jesus immediately told Ann that her prayer was answered. The next morning Henry saw to his great surprise and amusement that Ann was on her way to the well with two empty pails in her hands. 

     Ann by faith lowered the two pails into what had been a bone dry well not many hours before. Now instead of the thud of a pail striking the hard bottom of the well, there was a splash as the pails hit what was quite a depth of water. Soon the two pails were filled to the brim and Ann Preston returned in a joyful triumph to the house. And it has been reliably reported that never again was this well known to be dry either in summer or winter. If you went to visit this well today by the farm where Ann Preston lived, it would always be full of water. 

2) The Miracle Of A Path Created In The Snow To Attend Church

     One day, Ann Preston wanted to go to church. But when she woke up, to her dismay she noticed that there had been a heavy snowfall. Ann prayed Father will you please send someone to make a path in the snow for me so I can attend church tonight. When Ann prayed the prayer, there was no man in the house to shovel a path to the church that was two miles down the road. 

     After Ann prayed, she heard several girls in her house laughing and saying "Come and see what is making a path for Ann." When Ann looked out the window, there were five horses running up and down the street in colt like fashion making a perfectly beaten path through the deep snow from Ann Preston's house to the church. And then the five horses went back into the main road and scattered in different directions. When Ann attended the church meeting that night, she told everyone with a smiling face how God had opened a path through the deep snow for her to attend church.

3) The Miracle Of Money Found In The Snow By A Small Hill

     One night several girls returning from a church service lost money in the snow. The girls looked all evening with a lantern for the lost money with no success. After the girls told Ann Preston about the lost money, Ann prayed Father keep the money for these little girls wherever it is. Early in the morning, Ann was wakened by God with the following instruction; Arise and get the money that you told me to keep for you last night. While Ann Preston went outside and walked down a path, God stopped her and had her look at the money lying almost hidden in the snow by the side of a small hill.

     Then Ann Preston picked up the money and returned joyfully to the little girls. Ann told the little girls here's the money that you were searching for all night. The girls replied Please Ann don't mention this at Sunday school or the people will think that we were so careless. Like Ann Preston, a lady once asked Brother Bob to pray that God would provide her forty dollars to pay her bills. While we were walking in a CVS Pharmacy right after praying, God placed forty dollars on the floor in front of the lady. The lady rejoiced and picked up the money and paid her bills.

A Man That Prayed Effectively Named John Praying Hyde

How John Praying Hyde's Prayers Blessed India With A Revival

     In 1888, a young man named John Hyde went to Bible College in Carthage, Illinois. After praying all night, John Hyde decided to travel to India to be a missionary. When John arrived in India he found the people very unreceptive to the gospel. For eight years he labored without any results. It seemed that no matter how hard he worked, no matter how many people he witnessed to, nothing happened. 

     Finally, John Hyde decided to pray and fast until there was a revival in India. For thirty days he did not eat and he spent each day on his face before God praying for revival in India. At one time during the thirty days, John Hyde spent thirty six continuous hours on his knees begging God for His power. While John was praying the people of India called him "The man who never sleeps." And all the people of India called him "Praying Hyde." After the thirty days, christian saints everywhere in India became convicted about a great need for revival. All the christians in India agreed to pray every day for a half an hour until revival happened in India.

     And revival occurred in India because of the prayers of John Praying Hyde. During the first year of the revival, John Hyde determined to win one soul a day for one year. After one year, Mr. Hyde personally baptized more than 400 of his own converts. Then the next year, Praying Hyde determined to win two souls a day for one year. At the end of that year 800 precious souls had received Jesus as their Saviour. And finally the next year, Praying Hyde determined to win four souls a day for one year. At the end of that year, 1600 precious souls had received Jesus as their Lord. 

     In my study of great men, I don't know of a man that had any greater burden or prayed more fervently for a foreign field as John Hyde did for India. He had accomplished what his predecessor William Carey had said years earlier "Expect great things from God; Attempt great things for God."  

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study blesses multitudes all over this earth with great peace and strength. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name.   

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