Saturday, October 16, 2021

Solomon Ginsburg A Wandering Jew Preaching Jesus In Brazil


How A Jew Named Solomon Ginsburg Got Saved
And Became A Blessed Preacher For Jesus In Brazil

     Solomon Ginsburg pictured above was a Jew whose parents were wealthy orthodox Jews in Poland. After Solomon heard someone preaching about Jesus from Isaiah 53:5 But He (Jesus) was wounded for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and with His stripes we are healed, Solomon got saved, and accepted Jesus as his Lord. Immediately after learning about Solomon's salvation, Solomon's entire Jewish family disowned and cursed him. Solomon told all his Jewish relatives Galatians 3:13 Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a curse for us for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on a tree. 

     Like Solomon Ginsburg, Brother Bob also got saved for Jesus and left all his wealthy Jewish relatives to preach Jesus everywhere at preachbrotherbob. Solomon Ginsburg told his wealthy Jewish relatives, I'd rather choose Jesus that gives us peace that passeth all understanding with a joy unspeakable and full of glory than all the fading riches of this world. Like Solomon Ginsburg, Brother Bob says accepting Jesus and salvation was the best thing that ever happened in my life. I've never met anyone in my life that regretted getting saved with Jesus. Right now get saved and enjoy the peace, joy, and strength to overcome this world with Jesus. Repent, decide to stop sinning, confess that Jesus is God, and believe that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again.

Solomon Ginsburg Becomes A Missionary To Brazil
Preaching About Jesus In Rio De Janeiro Pictured Above

     Around 1895, Solomon Ginsburg decided to become a missionary to Brazil and win souls for our Lord Jesus. After Solomon learned the Portuguese language, he left Poland and Portugal, traveling to Brazil to preach Jesus everywhere. Brazil was ruled by Roman Catholic priests who forbid the distribution of 1611 King James bibles. Solomon Ginsburg obeyed Jesus instead of these ungodly wicked Catholic priests and distributed bibles throughout Brazil preaching about Jesus and salvation. 

     Then the Catholic priests arrested and placed Solomon Ginsburg in jail for distributing bibles and preaching about Jesus. But somehow, Jesus blessed Solomon to escape jail and keep preaching about Jesus to the people of Brazil. During the early 1900s, Brazil was like the wild wild west of America, with many gangsters and bandits looting, stealing, and gambling. The Catholic priests and monks would pay gangsters and bandits to persecute, beat, and torture anyone that preached about Jesus and distributed a bible. 

     People would ask Solomon Ginsburg, Why did you choose to witness to the people of Brazil instead of witnessing Jesus to the Jews? Solomon replied It's because the greatest obstacle to the conversion of Jews and Gentiles and the evangelization of the world is the Catholic church. Solomon explained even though the Catholics in Brazil claim to be christian, they practice idolatry worshipping the Pope and Mary as gods, while they engage in materialistic customs, traditions, and degrading superstitions. If there is one thing that Jews learn, it is to oppose the worship of idols. My very instinct and nature revolted against the practices of the Catholic church.

     Solomon Ginsburg told the people of Brazil that they were not required to practice the many traditions of the Catholic church to get saved with Jesus. Taking the sacraments, praying with rosary beads, and confessing sins to a priest were not required for salvation with Jesus. Solomon would tell people everywhere all that was required to be saved was to repent, accept Jesus as God, and believe the gospel that Jesus died for them on the cross, was buried, and rose again. 

     Like Solomon, Brother Bob says Trust Jesus and go to heaven. Trust anything else through religion and go to hell. Not blood plus water, wafers, or works; But the blood of Jesus plus nothing saves. Titus 3:5 tells us Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to His (Jesus') mercy He saved us, by the washing of regeneration, and renewing of the Holy Ghost.

How A Bandit Named Antonio Silvino 
Paid By A Catholic Monk To Kill Solomon Ginsburg
Got Saved For Jesus

     A Catholic monk paid a bandit named Antonio Silvino a lot of money to kill Solomon Ginsburg and stop the preaching of Jesus. While Ginsburg was riding a horse traveling to a meeting where he was scheduled to preach, he saw Antonio Silvino (the second person from the left in the top row pictured above) standing in a field with a double barreled shotgun. Not realizing that Silvino was sent to kill him, Solomon, thinking Silvino was a hunter wished Silvino a good day and showed kindness. 

     Antonio Silvino did not kill Solomon Ginsburg because of the kind words spoken by Solomon to Antonio. Instead Antonio decided to follow Solomon and listen to his preaching while he was disguised among the congregation. Wow we see that Proverbs 15:1 is correct that says A soft answer turneth away wrath: but grievous words stir up anger. Truly the power of life and death is in the tongue. We reap what we sow. If we are kind, gentle, and forgiving, people will be kind, gentle, and forgiving to us. If we are mean, hateful, and complain, people will be mean, hateful, and complain to us. Proverbs 18:24 says a man that hath friends must shew himself friendly. And there is a friend (Jesus) that sticketh closer than a brother. 

     After Antonio listened to Solomon's preaching, Antonio decided to visit Solomon's home. Earlier that day Solomon Ginsburg was informed that a man named Antonio Silvino was sent by the Catholic church to kill him. When Solomon learned that Antonio Silvino was knocking on the door of his house, Solomon prayed, hoping that Jesus would spare his life. To Solomon's surprise, he met Antonio Silvino crying on his knees asking Jesus to save his soul.

     Antonio Silvino told Solomon that because of his kind words and preaching about the love of Jesus, he could not kill him; instead he should have killed the catholic monk that paid him to kill Ginsburg. After Antonio got saved, he became Ginsburg's personal bodyguard. And whenever anybody saw Antonio Silvino after he got saved, Antonio always had a bible in his hands reading and praying. This is why we need to love our enemies and bless them that persecute us. Jesus will take our worst enemies and make them our best friends. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold all things are become new.

     But there is one other note to complete this story about Antonio Silvino. Solomon Ginsburg's life was spared from Silvino because of the prayers from several women in America. The day after Antonio spared Solomon's life, a letter arrived from the Young Women's Society of Americus, Georgia. The letter stated that these ladies offered special prayers of protection for Solomon Ginsburg the very day that Solomon met the celebrated bandit Antonio Silvino. These ladies prayers saved Solomon's life. James 5:16 says The effectual fervent prayer of a righteous man (or woman) availeth much.

Solomon Ginsburg Helps Save The Meanest Bandit In Brazil 
Named Herculano 

     One day the worst gangster in Brazil who was a big Brazilian giant named Herculano asked Jesus for forgiveness after hearing the preaching of Solomon Ginsburg. Then Herculano asked Solomon to visit his home and tell him more about Jesus. Solomon's friends told Ginsburg that Herculano lived in the most dangerous village of Brazil inhabited by many thieves and robbers. They warned Solomon not to visit Herculano because even the police feared to enter Herculano's village alone because strangers that ventured there were never heard from again.

     But Solomon trusted Jesus telling everyone I'm going to visit Herculano and tell him about Jesus because 2 Timothy 1:7 says For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind. When Solomon arrived at Herculano's home, Herculano said that he killed many people for Brazilian politicians and money. Then after Herculano learned from Solomon that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin, Herculano repented of his sins and got gloriously saved.

     After Herculano got saved, Herculano witnessed Jesus to all the people of his village. Many people in Herculano's village got saved and this village became safe and was no longer a dangerous place. 1 Peter 4:8 says And Above all things have fervent charity among yourselves; for charity shall cover the multitude of sins. Because Solomon Ginsburg showed charity (love) by visiting Herculano, a whole village was changed where a multitude of sins were avoided. And then Herculano along with Antonio Silvino became Solomon Ginsburg's bodyguards, protecting him from all persecutors. Like Silvino, Herculano was faithful to Jesus for the rest of his life and won many people to salvation for our Lord Jesus Christ.

Read A Free Book About Solomon Ginsburg Called
A Wandering Jew In Brazil At The Website Open Library
Solomon Ginsburg Was Called The Firebrand Of Brazil

     I encourage everyone to read a free book about Solomon Ginsburg called A Wandering Jew In Brazil which is available after you do a free signup on the website Open Library. Solomon Ginsburg lived from 1867-1927. He was born a Jew but died a faithful Christian preaching Jesus to the people of Brazil. Note Solomon's tombstone pictured above with a Jewish star by his birthdate 8/6/1867 and a Christian cross by his date of death 3/31/1927. 

     Note the following blessed quotes stated by Solomon Ginsburg during his life. After Solomon got saved, he said It's simply wonderful what the Lord can do for a poor degraded penitent sinner. The blood of Jesus is efficacious and saves to the uttermost. Hebrews 7:25 says Wherefore He (Jesus) is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by Him (Jesus), seeing He ever liveth to make intercession for them. 

     Take time to read the blessed words from one of Solomon Ginsburg's sermons. Solomon said "The saddest thing of all is the fact that Christ's love and free offer of pardon is not known. Oh how people strive to save themselves and to pacify their troubled conscience but all to no avail for only Jesus pardons and forgives and saves. Jesus needs to be preached. The gospel of Jesus needs to be published so people do not die in their sins and go to hell for lack of knowledge. Hosea 4:6 tells us My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge."  

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study about Solomon Ginsburg blesses multitudes on this earth with great joy, peace, and strength. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name. 

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