Sunday, March 1, 2020

Examples Of How Gospel Tracts With God's Word Saved Sinners

Share Gospel Tracts And God's Word Everywhere
To Save Lost Sinners All Over This Earth

     Today we look at how God's Word and Gospel Tracts can save multitudes of lost sinners all over this earth. Isaiah 55:11 says So shall my Word be that goeth forth out of my mouth: it shall not return unto me void, but it shall accomplish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the thing whereto I sent it. Gospel tracts containing God's Word can reach lost sinners and save people from going to hell. Many people have been saved by reading gospel tracts left at laundromats, hospital waiting rooms, walmart rest rooms, cracker barrels, and grocery stores. God's Word is powerful and can save anyone anywhere.

     Matthew 24:35 tells us Heaven and earth shall pass away but my words shall not pass away. Gospel tracts with God's Word can change a sinner's life who reads them. God's Word shall not pass away and blesses and prospers any reader.  Just leave gospel tracts everywhere for anyone to read. When you eat at a restaurant give the waiter or waitress a gospel tract with your tip. And don't be a cheapskate (leave a blessed tip with the gospel tract). Remember if a person reads a gospel tract and gets saved, there is joy in the presence of angels over one sinner that repents.

Examples Of How Gospel Tracts With God's Word Saved Sinners

1) A Diver's Surprise

     Many years ago, a scuba diver in Sydney, Australia was visited by a friend. While entering the diver's house, the friend noticed an oyster shell displayed on the mantel of a fireplace. Inside the oyster shell was a folded piece of wrinkled paper. After the friend asked the diver about the oyster shell and the wrinkled paper, the diver explained the following story.

     One day while I was diving off the coast of Australia a strange sight caught my attention. There on a rock was this oyster shell with a piece of paper sticking out of it. To my surprise, the words were still visible on the paper. After I detached the paper and held it up to my goggles to get a better view, I discovered that the paper was a gospel tract.

     I wondered how it could have gotten there-at the bottom of the ocean, sitting in an oyster shell, perched on a rock-basically on display waiting for me to find it. Then the thought flashed through my mind that God had sent it as a message to my soul and there in the ocean's depths, I paused to read the entire gospel tract. 

     The diver went on to tell his friend how the paper contained the story of the cross of Jesus Christ where Jesus the Son of God died for guilty sinners like you and me. It told of the full and free salvation available to all who will repent and turn to God. He related how his heart was affected by the Lord's message of salvation coming to him in such a strange and unexpected way. Right there, far below the ocean's surface, he confessed his sin to a holy God, and trusted Jesus Christ who died for him and rose again. By believing the gospel the diver was saved for eternity.

     While this diver was in the ocean's depths he became a repentant converted and sin forgiven man. A gospel tract in an oyster's mouth at the bottom of the ocean led to this diver's salvation. After the diver got gloriously saved, he brought the oyster shell and the gospel tract up from the depths with care, treasuring them as the messengers of God to his guilty soul. The diver kept the oyster shell and gospel tract as reminders of the wonderful day he found salvation at the bottom of the ocean. 

     Surely this is a miracle of the grace and wisdom of God. It shows us that God is longsuffering to us-ward not willing that any should perish, but that all should come to repentance. (2 Peter 3:9). God was so concerned about one person that he met him in the depths of the ocean to speak to his soul. Now God has used this blessed message of the diver to speak to you wherever you are my friend. Like the diver, Jesus is seeking to save you anywhere reading this forevermore. The Son of man (Jesus) is come to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke 19:10). 

     Jesus Christ loves you friend anywhere on this earth reading this and wants to save and forgive you of your sins like the diver. Right now get saved by repenting of your sin, confessing Jesus to be your God, and believing that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again. Get saved today because tomorrow is not promised to any of us. 2 Corinthians 6:2 tells us I have heard thee in a time accepted, and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation.

2) How a Torn Gospel Tract Containing The Words
The Bread Of Life Saved A Lost Sinner By A Railroad Track In India

     Pictured above Sadhu Sundar Singh in 1922 was witnessing to a lost sinner on a train in India. Sadhu gave the lost sinner a gospel tract that had the words from John's gospel. The heathen tore the gospel of John into pieces in anger and tossed it out of the train's window. This appeared to be the end of this tract from the gospel of John. 

     But it so happened in the providence of God that there was a man walking along the train tracks who was seeking for truth. For seven years this man was trying to find truth but was not satisfied. As this man was walking by the railroad tracks, he found torn pieces from John's gospel and began to read the blessed words. 

     First he saw the words everlasting life on a piece of paper. According to Hinduism it may be true that we are not going to die, but that we shall live through transmigration and come back again into this world. But this seemed to be wrong because everlasting life is greater than anything this world has to offer.

     Then the man picked up another scrap of paper that said the words "The Bread Of Life" from John 6:35. He wanted to know who is The Bread Of Live. He showed this piece of paper with the words "The Bread Of Life" to a friend and asked Can you tell me what book these pieces of John's gospel belong to? I'm so sorry that somebody tore it up. His friend replied those words come from a christian bible; You must not read it; You will be defiled; You must not read that book.

     He ignored his friend's advice because he wanted to read the book that contained the beautiful phrase :The Bread Of Life." Therefore he went and bought a KJV bible, read it cover to cover, and got gloriously saved, confessing everywhere that Jesus was his Lord and Saviour. Eventually this man became a preacher of the gospel in India. 

     For this man one torn piece of paper from John's gospel proved to be a piece of the Living Bread Of Life from Jesus who is the Word of God-a crumb from the Living Bread Of Life Jesus that saved a lost sinner's soul forevermore. Wow the Holy Spirit used a little torn piece of paper (a crumb) saying "The Bread Of Life" found by a train track to save this man's soul.  Like the woman that Jesus called a dog who replied yes I'm a dog and a lost sinner but even the dogs eat the crumbs that fall from the master's table, Lord Jesus I'll take a crumb and just a little piece of your Word that can heal and save me from all my troubles. Psalm 107:20 promises He sent His Word and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions.

3) How A Half Penny Gospel Tract Saved Thousands Of 
Sinners In India And Burma (Now Myanmar)

     After the son of an Indian chief received a half penny gospel tract from the offering of a little girl, he traveled and walked 250 miles to Rangoon Burma (now Myanmar) pictured above to find a missionary's wife who could teach him how to read the gospel tract. After 48 hours he was able to read the gospel tract and got gloriously saved. 

     This saved young man was so happy about Jesus that he gathered hundreds of gospel tracts to take home to the mountains of Burma Myanmar. He filled a basket with gospel tracts, covered them with leaves, put sugar over them, and tried to smuggle them past the guards of Ava Burma that forbid the gospel from entering Burma during the 1920's. Unfortunately, after a guard at the Ava gate searched the young boy's basket and found the gospel tracts, the Ava guards condemned the young boy to be a slave forever. 

     But after the intercession of many missionaries, this young man was released. But the young man was still determined to smuggle hundreds of gospel tracts from Ava to his native home in the mountains of Burma 300 miles away. He successfully smuggled hundreds of gospel tracts to his home and thousands of Burmese natives got gloriously saved because a little girl sent a half penny gospel tract to the son of an Indian chief from Bardwan India. 

     We learn from this story that blessed are they that hunger and thirst after righteousness for they shall be filled. This young man was so hungry to read and learn about a half penny gospel tract about Jesus that he walked 250 miles to Rangoon Burma to find a missionary's wife who could translate the gospel tract and help him receive salvation with Jesus. And because someone was faithful to send a gospel tract to India, this young man used the message on this gospel tract to save thousands of Burmese natives from his home in the mountains of Burma Myanmar. Wow, it's amazing how God can use His Word in a little half penny gospel tract and save thousands in a distant land with eternal peace forevermore. This is why we need to send gospel tracts everywhere; Place gospel tracts in christmas cards, birthday cards, graduation cards, in electric bills, car payments, and mortgage payments.  

4) How a Gospel Tract Of God's Word Traveled From 
England To America To Australia And Back To England
To Save A Lost Sinner

     A christian man in England asked a woman how Jesus saved her. The woman showed the man a wrapper from a package she received from a friend in Australia that contained one of Charles Spurgeon's sermons from an American journal. After this woman read Charles Spurgeon's sermons spoken in England, she got gloriously saved and trusted the Lord Jesus Christ to be her Saviour.

     Commenting on this incident, a pastor said Think about it: A sermon preached by Charles Spurgeon in England was printed in an America journal and came as wrapping paper over a package sent to a lady in Australia and was part of the same wrapping paper over another package sent to England to convert this English woman. God's Word traveled from England to America to Australia and back to England to save a sinful woman.   

     This shows us the power of the printed page and how God's Word and Gospel tracts can bless and save multitudes. Psalm 68:11 tells us The Lord gave the Word; Great was the company of those that published it. In other words I work for the President of the greatest publishing company ever created; And the President's name is the Lord Jesus Christ. And the Word of Jesus can travel anywhere on this earth and save multitudes for our Lord Jesus. Be like Brother Bob and write something for Jesus on this internet and send it everywhere around this earth. It will not return void and will save untold numbers for our Lord Jesus. Currently preachbrotherbob blog has been seen by a quarter of a million people and thousands of people have gotten saved in India, Russia, Canada, Africa, and many other countries around the world. Only what we do for Jesus will last forever. 

     Stay tuned. Many more bible studies are on the way for our Lord Jesus. I pray that these little bible studies bless multitudes all over this earth with great peace and joy. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name. 


  1. Thank you for these testimonies. I am encouraged to keep going out and circulating gospel tracts on the streets of Rio de Janeiro.

    1. Elizabeth, thanks for the kind words that encouraged me today. Email me anytime at and keep reading preachbrotherbob blog. Wow Ohio is reaching Brazil and Rio De Janeiro. Jesus bless you Elizabeth.
