Sunday, February 23, 2020

Be A Good Steward For Jesus

Be A Good Steward For Jesus
Take Time To Care For God's Children
Pray For Sinners, Win Lost Souls To Jesus
Bless And Help Those In Need Everywhere
Jesus Will Return Soon With A Reward For Your Good Works

     I encourage everyone reading this to be a good steward for Jesus. One day soon Jesus will return and reward us for all the good deeds done for our Lord Jesus. When Jesus returns will we have a good report of our good works as blessed stewards for our Lord Jesus? Remember the smallest good deed is better than the grandest intention. A good steward for Jesus takes responsibility for God's children and is concerned about witnessing to lost sinners everywhere and blessing those in need everywhere on this earth. Are you a good steward for Jesus? Jesus is going to return soon and will you have a good report of stewardship for our Lord?

     Jesus said at Revelation 22:12 And behold I come quickly and my reward is with me to give every man according as his work shall be. In other words Jesus will reward christians for all their good deeds for Jesus. Our good works don't save us. We are saved by grace through faith in what our Lord Jesus has done for us at the cross. I don't work to be saved; I work because I am saved. I would not work my soul to save for this my Lord has done; but I would work like any slave for love of His dear Son. Ephesians 2:8 says For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves. It is the gift of God. Not of works lest any man should boast. 

     But after salvation with Jesus by repenting, confessing that Jesus is God, and believing that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again, we do good works so our faith becomes alive. Faith without works is dead. Good works give life to our faith and shines our Lord Jesus to this lost world. According to Ephesians 2:10 good works follow salvation that will be rewarded at the bema judgment seat; The blessed scripture says For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. 

     Remember that Jesus is keeping a record of all your good works for Jesus. Jesus keeps a log of all the times you witness and tell people everywhere about our Lord Jesus and all your good deeds. A lot of people get saved and then do no good works for Jesus. These people will be saved and enter heaven with Jesus but will suffer loss and lose rewards eternally in heaven. 

     Take heed to the warning at Romans 14:12 that says So then every one of us shall give account of himself to God. In other words God is keeping a logos account or log of everything you do for Jesus and will reward you for your labor; Your labor for Jesus is not in vain. 1 Corinthians 15:58 promises Therefore my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord. Friends time is short so get busy being a good steward for Jesus with good works. The bible tells us redeeming the time because the days are evil. RG Lee told us that time is so short its like a thin footprint on a sea lashed shore, the stay of a postman, the glimpse of a passing ship, and a quick burst of music down a crowded street.

Read This Story About A Gardener In England
And Learn How To Be A Good Steward For Jesus

     A gardener in England for the beautiful estate pictured above perfectly manicured acres and acres of lawns. There wasn't one dandelion in any lawn. All the bushes and hedges were perfectly trimmed. The flowers were neatly arranged in beauty. The gardener always kept the estate beautiful; Every bush was always trimmed neatly; there was no trash anywhere; and the flowers were arranged with incredible beauty. For 24 years this gardener was faithful and always had the lawns, bushes, and flowers maintained perfectly.  

     People came on tour buses from everywhere to admire the beautiful work done by this gardener. One lady tourist told this gardener, Your owner must be so happy for all your fine work for all these 24 years. The gardener responded What owner, I've never met him. The owner of this estate is a billionaire that has properties all over the world and he never visits most of his properties. The owner of this estate has not visited this property once over the last 24 years.

     Then the lady tourist told the gardener Why do you work so hard and make everything so perfect and beautiful when the owner has not seen your work for 24 years? The gardener replied Well I was told that he could come back at any time. Christian friends we are all like this gardener; No one knows when Jesus will return to give us rewards for being good stewards. Like this gardener lets all have a good report for our Lord Jesus where we are faithful, not sinning, praying for our brothers and sisters, winning lost sinners to our Lord Jesus, daily reading our Word, attending church, and being good examples for Jesus everywhere. 

     Like the gardener, people might ask Brother Bob or you my friend Why do you keep doing good works for Jesus when you have never seen Him? Let's all reply Well I was told in the Word of God that He (Jesus) could come back at any time. Remember that blessed song that says Don't let Him catch you with your work undone. Friends everywhere give your life purpose and meaning by witnessing Jesus everywhere to lost sinners on this earth. Only what we do for Jesus lasts forever with rewards in heaven that are eternal. Don't be like the fool who stored up food in many barns and thought he could eat, drink, and be merry for the rest of his life. God called this man a fool and the next day he died and lost everything.  

Examples Of Good Stewards For Jesus

1) Richard Kirkland Was A Good Steward For Jesus

     Eleven days before Christmas on a December 14, 1862 cold day in Fredericksburg, Virginia a nineteen year old sergeant stood at attention before his general during the Civil War. The soldiers name was Richard Kirkland. Hiding behind a stone wall, Kirkland and 2000 Confederate soldiers mowed down the Yankee soldiers as they moved across an open field to attack. By nightfall hundreds of Yankee soldiers lay dead and wounded in this open field. 

     Richard Kirkland told General Joe Kershaw I can't stand this. All night and all day I have heard those poor people calling for water and I can't stand it no longer. I come to ask permission to go and give them water. General Kershaw looked at the young man with admiration and earnestly said Kirkland don't you know you would get a bullet through your head the moment you stepped over the wall. Yes sir, Kirkland answered, but if you will let me, I am willing to try it. General Kershaw said The sentiment which actuates you is so noble that I will not refuse your request, trusting that God may protect you, you may go.  

     From the second story window of his command post, General Kershaw could view the dead and wounded on the battlefield. He watched as Richard Kirkland, carrying several canteens, jumped the wall and headed out into the battlefield. At first, the Yankees began shooting at Richard Kirkland. But then the Yankees stopped shooting when they noticed that Richard Kirkland was giving water to these enemy soldiers and warming them with his coat.

     Both the Yankees and the Confederate soldiers allowed Richard Kirkland to roam the battlefield for hours giving water and comfort to all the wounded Yankee soldiers. Kirkland made many trips back and forth over the stone wall before he completed his mission. Wow, there were christian Yankee and Confederate soldiers and for several hours peace occurred because of Richard Kirkland's good works as a steward for our Lord Jesus. 

     As soldiers in the army of the Lord, we see so much need and suffering around us daily. If we listen, like Richard Kirkland, we can often hear their cries. Like the woman at the well, they seek for water, that water of life found only in Jesus Christ our Lord. When we take courage like Richard Kirkland and say I can't stand this, we begin to be led by the Holy Spirit to reach a thirsty world. 

2) George Muller Was A Good Steward For Jesus

     George Muller was a good steward for Jesus and taught us how to effectively pray and bless multitudes with peace all over this earth. If we listen to God, God will listen to us. And the more we listen to God, the more God listens to our prayers and answers all our requests to Jesus. You see according to Zechariah 7:13 God calls out to people and because they don't listen, God doesn't listen to their prayers. But if you listen to God by daily reading your bible and always attending your local church, God will listen to you and answer all your prayers. And the more you read and memorize your bible and the more you attend church and hear blessed preaching from the Word of God, the more God will answer your prayers.

     George Muller had 20000 prayers answered because he always listened to God by reading his bible cover to cover 200 times; 100 times on his knees. George Muller walked so close to Jesus that 5000 of his prayers were answered the same day they were prayed. George Muller said four hours of work after one hour of prayer accomplishes more than five hours without prayer. Martin Luther said I have so much to do today, I need to spend the first three hours in prayer.  Remember if God is with you, you can accomplish more than trying by yourself to fix your problems.

     George Muller was such a great prayer warrior and steward for our Lord Jesus, that his prayers changed nature and removed fog. When George Muller was on a ship in Newfoundland Canada travelling to Quebec to preach, a great fog prevented the ship from moving. Mr. Muller asked the captain of the ship if he could travel through the fog. The captain said Do you realize that the fog is too thick to travel through? George Muller replied My eye is not on the density of the fog but on the living God who knows every circumstance of my life.  

     George Muller went down on his knees and prayed a simple prayer saying O Lord if it be consistent with thy will, please remove this fog in five minutes. You know the engagement you made for me in Quebec. I believe it is your will. When he had finished praying, he told the captain not to pray. First, he said you do not believe God will do it and second I believe He has done it. There is no need whatever for you to pray about it. 

     Then George Muller said Captain I have known my Lord for 57 years and there has never been a single day that I have failed to gain an audience with the Lord. Get up Captain and open the door and you will find the fog is gone. The Captain got up and the fog was gone. And George Muller arrived on time in Quebec to preach. 

3) Missionary Dick Harrelson Was A Good Steward For Jesus

     Dick Harrelson was a blessed missionary in Papua New Guinea who had to walk 24 miles to get groceries and supplies and bring them to his home in the jungle. While returning home one day with groceries, he was surrounded by bandits who tried to kill Dick Harrelson. Dick Harrelson was exhausted and could not outrun the bandits. Mr. Harrelson decided to pray and said Dear Lord Jesus please take care of my wife and children who will not see me any more.

     When Dick Harrelson faced the bandits surrounding him, miraculously the bandits all began to run away in fear. A few years later one of these bandits got gloriously saved. This bandit told Dick Harrelson Who were all those men with you that day we chased and surrounded you? When you faced us, there were thousands of white little men with swords all around you protecting you. Dick Harrelson responded What men? Wow Dick Harrelson didn't realize that God sent thousands of angels to protect him and save his life. 

     Friends, remember when we are good stewards like Dick Harrelson and try to win lost sinners to Jesus everywhere, God sends angels to protect us. Psalm 68:17 tells us The chariots of God are 20000 (myriad, innumerable, and infinite), even thousands of angels: The Lord is among them, as in Sinai, in the holy place. Psalm 34:7 says The angel of the Lord encampeth round about them that fear him, and delivereth them. And these angels that protect us are very powerful and mighty. Remember one angel in one night killed 185000 enemies in Sennacherib's army that fought against Hezekiah. If God be for us who could be against us.

     Just be a good steward for Jesus and deny sin daily and like Dick Harrelson, Jesus will send his angels daily to protect you and keep you blessed. Every day when Brother Bob returns to his little apartment in Reynoldsburg, Ohio he sees thousands of white angels with swords all around his apartment constantly protecting him. Elisha encouraged his servant and all of us that there are more angels with us than any enemy that attacks us. Read the blessed story about angels and Elisha at 2 Kings 6.

     Like Richard Kirkland, George Muller, and Dick Harrelson, be a good steward for Jesus. Let's all obey Colossians 4:5 and Walk in wisdom toward them that are without; redeeming the time. Winning one soul to our Lord Jesus is worth more than all the money you'll earn or all the things you'll ever buy with your money. Mark 8:36 says For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? In other words a saved soul is worth more than all the gold, silver, and billions of dollars in this world. Jesus said at Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.  Be a good steward and don't miss any opportunity to preach, witness, sing, or pray for anyone in need.

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study blesses multitudes all over this earth with great peace and joy. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name.    

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