Monday, July 12, 2021

Mitsuo Fuchida's Miraculous Conversion To Jesus


How Mitsuo Fuchida 
The Japanese Pilot That Bombed Pearl Harbor
Got Saved For Jesus

     Mitsuo Fuchida was a Japanese captain in the Imperial Japanese Navy Air Force. Mitsuo led the first wave of air attacks on Pearl Harbor in Hawaii on December 7, 1941. Mitsuo was one of the meanest persons on this earth and was responsible for starting a war with America in 1941. But after the war ended and Japan surrendered to America, Mitsuo got gloriously saved for Jesus. Just rejoice as you look at the two pictures above of Mitsuo before and after his salvation. The bottom picture shows how Jesus changed Mitsuo from a wicked man into a kind loving man that wanted to help everyone and save souls for Jesus. This bible study will explain how Mitsuo got saved and became a new creature for our Lord Jesus Christ. 2 Corinthians 5:17 says Therefore if any man be in Christ, his is a new creature; old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new.

     Friends remember if God can save Mitsuo and forgive him of his wicked sins, he can save you. The bible tells us that the blood of Jesus cleanses us from all sin. 1 John 1:7 says But if we walk in the light, as He (Jesus) is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanseth us from all sin. Just come as you are like Mitsuo to Jesus and be saved. Revelation 22:17 tells us And the Spirit and the bride say, Come. And let him that heareth say, Come. And let him that is athirst come. And whosoever will (anyone black, white, latino, japanese, african, eskimo, indian-red yellow black and white they are all precious in His sight) let him take the water of life freely. Get saved right now and repent, stop sinning, confess Jesus to be your God, and believe that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again. 

How Kazuo Kanegaski's Testimony To Mitsuo Fuchida
About Peggy Covell Helped Save Mitsuo

     After Japan lost the war to America, Mitsuo's friend Kazuo Kanegaski was taken prisoner by American troops. When Mitsuo visited his friend Kazuo after the war, Kazuo told Mitso about an 18 year old woman named Peggy Covell who treated him with great kindness even though Japanese soldiers had killed her missionary parents in the Philippines. Mitsuo was amazed that Peggy Covell could be so kind to Japanese prisoners after her parents were killed by cruel Japanese soldiers. 

     Kazuo then told Mitsuo that he asked Peggy Covell why she was so kind to Japanese prisoners and why she did special favors for them. Peggy Covell told Kazuo it's because I'm a christian and after Japanese soldiers killed my missionary parents in the Philippines, I'm trying to overcome evil with good. Peggy Covell showed Kazuo Romans 12:20-21 Therefore if thine enemy hunger, feed him; if he thirst, give him drink; for in so doing thou shalt heap coals of fire on his head. Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good. Peggy's testimony and witness for Jesus would eventually help save both Kazuo and Mitsuo and change their lives to live for Jesus.

How Jacob DeShazer's Testimony Helped Save Mitsuo Fuchida

     After Mitsuo became interested about Christianity through Peggy Covell's testimony, Mitsuo learned about Jacob DeShazer's testimony while reading a gospel tract. Jacob DeShazer, like Mitsuo before salvation was an unsaved American pilot that bombed Tokyo. Since DeShazer's plane didn't have enough fuel to return to an American aircraft carrier in the Pacific Ocean, DeShazer had to fly to safety in China. But the Japanese controlled the place in China where DeShazer's plane landed. Upon landing in China, Jacob DeShazer was taken prisoner by Japanese soldiers. 

     The Japanese soldiers were cruel to Jacob DeShazer and placed him in solitary confinement for 34 months (almost three years). While in his jail cell Jacob began to read the bible and got gloriously saved. Jacob would witness to the Japanese guards and win many Japanese soldiers to salvation with Jesus. After the war ended, Jacob DeShazer was determined to return to Tokyo (the city he bombed) to witness and share the good news about Jesus with thousands of Japanese people. Jacob established a church in Nagoya Japan, the very city he had bombed years earlier. 

Jacob DeShazer Helped Save Mitsuo Fuchida
They Became Friends And Preached Together
Winning Thousands Of People To Jesus
Two Former Enemies Became Friends Because Of Jesus

     After reading about how Jacob Deshazer got saved and was so kind to the Japanese people, Mitsuo was inspired to buy a bible at a Tokyo bookshop. Mitsuo was 47 years old and had never read a bible or ever heard of the name Jesus. Mitsuo decided to read his bible every day in his little farmhouse and learn about Jesus. One day Mitsuo was reading Luke 23:34 where Jesus was hanging on the cross and saying Father forgive them for they know not what they do. Immediately at that moment, Jesus came into Mitsuo's heart, and Mitsuo got gloriously saved and accepted Jesus as his personal Saviour.

     After Mitsuo got saved, Mitsuo was a different person and wanted to tell everyone everywhere about Jesus. Mitsuo eventually met Jacob DeShazer and they preached Jesus together everywhere (in Japan, America, and all over the world). Wow, instead of being enemies, because of Jesus, Mitsuo and DeShazer became friends and shared Jesus everywhere. Truly John 12:32 shows us the answer on how to unite people and bring people together in peace. Jesus said And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. 

How Mitsuo Fuchida Lifted Up The Name Of Jesus
And Became A Great Soul Winner For Our Lord Jesus

     After Mitsuo got saved, Mitsuo did many blessed things for our Lord Jesus. Mitsuo would tell everyone "I can see now that the Lord had laid his hand upon me so that I might serve Him." Mitsuo would praise Jesus for allowing him to escape death by leaving Hiroshima the day before the nuclear bomb exploded at Hiroshima. Mitsuo Fuchida established the Captain Fuchida Evangelistical Association and began to travel full time all over the world sharing a presentation of his conversion story. Click this youtube link to see an interview with Mitsuo and DeShazer with Mitsuo's powerful testimony about Jesus at the end of the video. 

     I recommend reading Mitsuo Fuchida's autobiography titled From Pearl Harbor to Calvary written by Mitsuo in 1959. Mitsuo testifies in this book "I remember the thrill that was mine when in one of my first evangelistic meetings I led my first soul to Jesus Christ in America. And he was one of my own countrymen." Mitsuo tells everyone in this book, "I was a sinner; but Jesus cleansed me. Now I dedicate the rest of my life to serve Jesus and win souls. This is my story. How this typical Japanese military officer became a preacher. You know-It is no secret what God can do." 

Testimonies From Mitsuo And How He 
Overcame Persecutions In Japan 
Because He Believed In Jesus

     After Mitsuo got saved, Mitsuo was glad to return to Japan and witness Jesus to the Japanese people. He told everyone in Japan that Jesus was the answer to despair and defeat. God did not come to lead armies but to lead men and women out of hatred into love. Mitsuo told everyone he would give anything to take back his actions at Pearl Harbor but this was impossible. Instead I now work at fighting the hatred which is in every human heart that causes tragedies. That hatred can only be taken away by Jesus Christ. 

     But after the people in Japan learned that Mitsuo was a christian, Mitsuo was persecuted and many Japanese people threatened to kill him because he believed in Jesus. They would threaten Mitsuo's family saying Mitsuo you have betrayed your country and turned to the foreigner's God. And Mitsuo's old friends had nothing to do with him. Mitsuo rejoiced during this persecution and remembered Matthew 5:10-12 that says Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake; for theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are ye, when men shall revile you, and persecute you, and shall say all manner of evil against you falsely, for my sake. Rejoice, and be exceeding glad; for great is your reward in heaven; for so persecuted they the prophets which were before you. 

     One day a young Japanese pilot came to Mitsuo's home. The moment they were alone, the pilot reached into his shirt and drew out a knife; He pressed the point of the knife against Mitsuo's throat; The young pilot cried Mitsuo I looked up to you all my life and now I must kill you. But rather than fighting back, Mitsuo told the young pilot about Jesus. Then the young pilot lowered the knife and got gloriously saved. Today this young pilot is also a christian and is an elder at Mitsuo's church. 

Mitsuo Becomes Friends To Christian Survivers From Pearl Harbor
Jesus Brings Forgiveness And Peace To Former Enemies

     One night at a church in Garland Texas, the only surviver named Curly from the Arizona battleship that was bombed by Mitsuo and the Japanese was at the Garland church. Curly didn't know that Mitsuo was hidden in the back of the Garland church. The pastor asked Curly "Do you remember the pilot that bombed the Arizona at Pearl Harbor." Curly said " One plane came so close to the Arizona that I can still remember the pilot's face. I'll never forget that face as long as I live." And when Mitsuo entered the church, Curly said "That's the pilot that bombed the Arizona."

     After Curly and Mitsuo met, a bible was open on a table in the front of the Garland church. Mitsuo who bombed Pearl Harbor stood to the right of the bible and Curly who was on the Arizona that was bombed stood to the left of the bible and Curly and Mitsuo reached out and shook hands across that bible. Now that's what I call reconciliation with Jesus. This proves that only Jesus can bring peace and unite people together from all races and nationalities.

     And then Mitsuo traveled to Pearl Harbor after the war to meet another surviver from Pearl Harbor named Dr. Joe H. Morgan pictured above. When Joe met Mitsuo, Joe said As our hands touched, all the hatred and animosity toward this man and his country was gone. God had replaced those feelings with forgiveness. 

     I pray in Jesus name that Mitsuo's testimony will bless multitudes all over this earth with great peace and joy. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (61) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name. 

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