Saturday, June 15, 2019

Enlightening Stories About Jesus

Always Witness And Tell Everyone About Jesus
We Don't Want Nobody Witnessing For Jesus

A Story About Four Church Members Named
Somebody Everybody Anybody And Nobody

     Fred Somebody, Thomas Everybody, Susan Anybody, and Joe Nobody were neighbors. They were not good examples of christians. All four belonged to the same church. Everybody went fishing on Sunday or stayed home to visit with friends. Anybody wanted to attend but was afraid Somebody wouldn't speak to him. So guess who went to church. Nobody. 

     Nobody was the only decent one of the four. Nobody did the visitation. Nobody worked on the church building. Once the church needed a Sunday school teacher. Everybody thought Anybody would do it and Anybody thought Somebody would do it. And you know who did it; That's exactly right. Nobody.

     It happened that a fifth neighbor (an unbeliever) moved into the area. Everybody thought Somebody should try to win him to Jesus. Anybody could have made an effort. And you probably know who finally won him to Jesus. Nobody. 

Remember each of us is personally responsible for God's work
If we leave God's work to Somebody Everybody or Anybody Nobody will do it
Let's all work for Jesus and win souls until Jesus returns


Most people spend four years in college preparing for a career that might last 50 years
Shouldn't we all be willing to take 5 minutes to consider where we will spend eternity

Decide now to get saved; Repent, confess Jesus to be your God
and believe Jesus died for you on the cross was buried and rose again

The biggest gamble in the world is to say that there is no hell

     Did you know that some new translated bibles totally remove the word hell from the old testament. Do not read these phony bibles because hell is a real place. Only read a KJV 1611 true bible. Jesus told a true story about a rich man named Dives and a poor beggar named Lazarus. Dives would not give a crumb to Lazarus. Dives and Lazarus both died the same time. Lazarus was taken by angels to Abraham's bosom with Jesus and peace. Dives found himself in hell. Hell is a real place. Dives could not escape hell because a gulf separated hell from paradise. And Abraham told Dives that he could not get a drop of water because he didn't give Lazarus a crumb. Remember you reap what you sow. If you are kind, forgiving, and friendly, people will be kind, forgiving, and friendly to you. If you are mean, grumpy, and unforgiving, people will be mean, grumpy, and unforgiving to you.

     Friends everywhere now is the time to get saved while you are alive before death. There is no second chance in purgatory to get saved after anyone leaves this earth. This is why 2 Corinthians 6:2 says I have heard thee in a time accepted and in the day of salvation have I succoured thee: behold now is the accepted time; behold now is the day of salvation. This is why we all need to witness and tell everyone about our Lord Jesus and salvation.

The church that does not evangelize will fossilize

Jesus didn't commit the gospel to an advertising agency
Jesus commissioned disciples to personally witness Jesus everywhere

Note the blessed quote below from Missionary Martyr Jim Elliot
No man is a fool who gives what he can not keep to gain what he can not lose
What does it profit me if I gain the entire world and lose my soul
It's better to bless the poor and receive treasure in heaven that lasts forever

I went out to find a friend and couldn't find one anywhere
I went out to be a friend and friends were everywhere
Jesus said we must show ourselves friendly to make friends (Proverbs 18:24)

A Story About Thomas Dewitt Talmage And The Importance Of Prayer

     Pictured above we see a great man of God named Thomas Dewitt Talmage who had a blessed praying grandmother. This grandmother in 1761 had three rebellious children. One night the three children told their mother they wanted to drink beer and dance all night. Momma said she would kneel by her bed and pray all night that the three children would get saved. 

     At 2 AM in the morning the girl found her mom still praying when she returned home. The girl kneeled down by her mom and got gloriously saved. She told her mom that the two boys almost died that night and were outside in the barn. When the mother saw the two boys in the barn, the boys thanked momma for praying for them and they both got gloriously saved.

     Thy youngest boy was so happy about his salvation, that he witnessed Jesus to his girlfriend. Eventually his girlfriend got saved and married this youngest boy. This new couple was blessed to have 12 children that all got saved and taught about our Lord Jesus. And Thomas Dewitt Talmage was the youngest 12th child. 

     Now think about this; If grandmomma didn't pray all night for her three children, Thomas Dewitt Talmage would not have been born and become a preacher. Because of grandmomma's prayers, Thomas Dewitt Talmage got saved and wrote sermons in 1500 newspapers that were seen by 20 million people that got saved in the 1800s. 

     Thomas Dewitt Talmage's grandma did not see the 20 million souls that her grandson helped saved. Grandma didn't even realize that her prayer for her children would allow 20 million sinners to be able to get saved and live eternally in peace in heaven. But when we all get to heaven, this grandma will be honored by these 20 million souls who will thank her for praying for Thomas Dewitt Talmage's dad so they could get saved by her grandson. 

     Like this grandma, keep praying for lost sinners everywhere to get saved. You might not see the results of your prayers on this earth, but in heaven multitudes will thank you for saving them from the eternal torments of hell so they can enjoy peace forevermore with Jesus in heaven. An unknown Sunday school teacher was responsible for saving a man named DL Moody. Then DL Moody became one of the greatest preachers in the 1800s that led millions to salvation with our Lord Jesus. This unknown Sunday school teacher named Ed Kimball (unknown to the world and not listed in Wikipedia) will be rewarded and honored in heaven by all the millions of souls that DL Moody led to salvation. 

A True Story About Mount Pilatus
Where Pontius Pilate Was Buried

     Did you know that a mountain in Switzerland is named after Pontius Pilate? Pontius Pilate was a Roman governor or prefect (a regional governor for Rome) of Judaea from AD 26-36. He washed his hands when sentencing Jesus Christ to be crucified. He also set the rebel leader Barabbas free. 

     Centuries later, christianized Rome said that it was unacceptable to have Pilate's dead body buried in the same city as the Apostle Peter. So the christians in Rome took Pilates' dead body and threw it into the Tiber river in Rome. Pilate's dead body caused the waters of the Tiber river to become so troubled that the christians moved Pilate's dead body to the Rhone river which also became troubled.

     Because the Tiber and Rhone rivers were so troubled by Pilate's body, the christians decided to take Pilate's dead body and bury it on the top of a high mountain in Switzerland named after him called Mount Pilatus. The local people that live in villages around Mount Pilatus blame a tiny lake surrounding Mount Pilatus for the terrible storms in the area. Devastating thunderstorms occur as soon as ripples appear in this tiny lake around Mount Pilatus. 

     People say that the restless ghost of Pontius Pilate creates the ripples in this tiny lake around Mount Pilatus that causes terrible storms. People around Mount Pilatus say that every Good Friday the ghost of Pontius Pilate rises to wash the blood of Jesus from his hands in this tiny lake around Mount Pilatus. Another legend says that Mount Pilatus looks like the belly of a large man (Pilate) lying on his back. Look closely at the above picture to see the large belly of a man (Pilate) lying on his back with his arms folded by his head. Therefore this mountain is named after Pontius Pilate.

     Also of note, Mount Pilatus is a large massif (defined as a compact group of mountains separate from other mountains) in central Switzerland. It overlooks the city of Lucerne and offers an excellent view of Lake Lucerne. The mountain is pocketed with many natural and man made caves. It is a fortress with many hidden gun emplacements and fortified weather stations all of which are still in service.



     In 1891, James Bartley (1870-1909), a sailor, was whale hunting and a sperm whale got the best of him and swallowed him up. Days later after his friends killed the whale, while they were skinning the whale, they noticed that the linings in the intestines of the whale were moving. When they opened up the intestines of the whale, out came James Bartley. Initially Bartley was delirious but eventually recovered..

     Bartley said that after he realized that he was inside the whale's stomach, he noticed that he could still breathe and live. This proves that the bible is true and that Jonah could survive after being in the belly of a whale for three day and three nights. Friends just believe everything in the bible even when it doesn't make any sense. Be like little children and accept the bible to be true. The bible is our road map and if we follow its directions our lives will be blessed. Yes our Lord Jesus can create a whale large enough to swallow Jonah and deliver Jonah safely to Nineveh to preach repentance to save 120000 lost sinners.

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study blesses multitudes all over this earth with great peace and joy. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin 2233 Pinetree Lane Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name.

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