Sunday, May 20, 2018

When It Doesn't Make Sense

When it doesn't make sense on the shore of life 
And you obey Jesus
You will win multitudes to our Lord Jesus

When it doesn't make sense on the ship of life
And you obey Jesus
You will receive your miracle

When it doesn't make sense during the storms of life
And you obey Jesus
You will see Jesus' majesty

     Today we look at three times in Peter's life when things didn't make sense. Peter had to obey Jesus to be blessed and overcome troubles during these three times. First on the shore pictured above Luke 5:1 says And it came to pass that as the people pressed upon Him (Jesus) to hear the Word of God, He (Jesus) stood by the lake of Gennesaret. And saw two ships standing by the lake but the fishermen were gone out of them and were washing their nets. And He (Jesus) entered into one of the ships which was Simon's and prayed him, that he would thrust out a little from the land and He sat down and taught the people out of the ship.

     Luke 5:4 goes on to say Now when He had left speaking, He said unto Simon launch out into the deep and let down your nets for a draught. And Simon answering said unto Him, Master we have toiled all the night and have taken nothing, nevertheless at thy Word I will let down the net. 

     In other words, Peter the fisherman told Jesus he knew all about the Sea of Galilee. He said Jesus I'm a trained professional fisherman. I've been on the Sea of Galilee for many years making a successful living catching fish. I've fished all night long at a fishing hole where I know fish lounge, move, and bite. Jesus I've toiled all night and caught absolutely nothing. I've been picking up the heavy fishing net and pulling it back all night long and I'm exhausted, tired, hungry, and disgusted. I haven't even caught a minnow and nothing has happened. Peter told Jesus it doesn't make sense to fish during the day because the waters are shallow at night and fish bite at night. When the sun appears after the night, fish swim deep and no longer bite.

     But Jesus told Peter to be quiet and launch out into the deep and let down his nets for a draught (multitude of fish). Jesus said Peter we have to launch out because the multitudes of people are thronging me and pushing me into your boat and the water. Peter thought, it doesn't make any sense to fish during the day, but nevertheless Lord Jesus at thy Word, I will let down the net and obey what you say. Like Peter friends when it doesn't make sense, we need to say nevertheless Lord Jesus at thy Word we will obey you forevermore. Just obey Jesus because His ways are past finding out. Romans 11:33 says O the depth of the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God! How unsearchable are His judgments, and His ways past finding out.

       Pictured above Luke 5:6 goes on to say And when they had this done, they inclosed a great multitude of fishes and their net brake. And they beckoned unto their partners which were in the other ship, that they should come and help them. And they came and filled both the ships, so that they began to sink. Luke 5:10 then says Jesus said unto Simon Fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men. And when they brought their ships to land, they forsook all and followed Him.  

     Even though it didn't make sense, Peter launched out into the deep and cast out his net to catch a multitude of fish. Peter ignored his brothers James and John who laughed at Peter for fishing during the day with Jesus. But, because Peter obeyed Jesus and cast his net into the water during the day, he caught so many fish that his boat began to sink. And Peter called to James and John saying Hey Help I'm going under; there's so many fish. 

     And James and John rowed out in their boat quickly to assist Peter and gather all the fish. And the bible says that there were so many fish that when James and John cast out their nets, all the boats began to sink because of the large amount of fish. Truly friends if we obey Jesus on the shore of life when it doesn't make sense great blessings will happen. Ephesians 3:20 says Now unto Him that is able to do exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think, according to the power that worketh in us. 

     Now note the first thing Jesus told Peter, James, and John when they got to the shore. Jesus said boys you're not gonna be catching fish anymore; Fear not from henceforth thou shalt catch men. Jesus said at Matthew 4:19 pictured above Follow me and I will make you fishers of men. In other words, Jesus said cast out the gospel net and be fishers of men saving multitudes all over this earth. 

     Like Peter, even when it doesn't make sense to cast out the net and try to catch lost sinners in the gospel net, keep preaching and casting the gospel net. Keep telling people everywhere to be saved, repent, decide to stop sinning, confess that Jesus is God, and believe the gospel that Jesus died for them on the cross, was buried, and rose again. Like Peter, keep preaching and casting the gospel net to lost sinners, and when it doesn't make sense, keep preaching and casting the gospel net to lost sinners again and again. One plants, one waters, but God will give the increase and because of your determination to keep preaching Jesus by casting the gospel net over this internet, millions of innumerable lost souls will be saved and live eternally in peace with our Lord Jesus in the kingdom of God.

     Friends, there's gonna be times in our ministry when like Peter we cast the gospel net to various countries over the internet and win no one to Jesus. Noah experienced this when he preached for 120 years and won no one to the Lord outside of his family. But Noah kept working on the ark and was saved from the flood for his faithfulness. Like Noah keep preaching even when no one responds. And have the attitude that if you just win one person to Jesus that hears, reads, or sees you preaching, it's a blessing to preach about Jesus.  Luke 15:10 says Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth. We should all win at least one person to our Lord Jesus every year.

     Truly when it doesn't make sense on the shore of life, if we obey Jesus and keep preaching and telling people how to be saved with Jesus, we will win multitudes to our Lord Jesus. Proverbs 11:30 says The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he that winneth souls is wise. Friends reading this everywhere, keep preaching Jesus and the gospel to lost sinners over this internet even when no one responds and it doesn't make sense, and somewhere down the road, God will give the increase of a harvest of saved souls beyond your expectations. 

     Take time to read this powerful testimony from the boxer George Foreman pictured above when God told George to preach when it didn't make sense. When George Foreman was a kid, his dad left him on a foggy rainy night. George didn't know where his dad went and did not see him for years. 

     Then George became a professional boxer and made 32 million dollars. After fighting Jimmy Young and almost dying, George Foreman got gloriously saved and made Jesus his Lord. Then George decided to start preaching and opened a little storefront church in Houston, Texas. 

     One late Saturday night, George was walking down a Houston street thinking about Jesus. There wasn't a soul on the street. And God told George, I want you to start preaching. George said this does not make sense Lord Jesus. I don't have a pulpit and there's no one here to sing a song. There's no one on the street to preach to. There's no one in any direction anywhere.

     But George told the Lord Jesus, even though it doesn't make sense, nevertheless at thy Word Lord Jesus, I'll start preaching. And George Foreman preached for an hour late Saturday night on a Houston, Texas street corner that apparently was abandoned without a soul. George thought I'm casting out the gospel net and nothing is coming back. 

     Then the next day on Sunday morning at his storefront church, George told his congregation how he obeyed God and preached late Saturday night on a deserted Houston street corner. Then a visiting man in the back of the church raised his hand saying George, there was somebody listening to you last night. 

     The visiting man said I was coming out of a liquor store with a fifth of whiskey in a bag, and I heard somebody yelling Jesus saves. This man said George you didn't see me because I was standing in the shadows. When I heard you preaching, I said "There's got to be more to life than being a loser and a drunk." Tears started streaming down my face while I listened to you preach.

     The visiting man then said George you thought that you were casting out an empty gospel net, but God had me standing in the shadows listening to you preach. And George would you lead me to Jesus this morning. I want to become a christian. And George Foreman testified that he not only led this man to the Lord Jesus Christ, but after he hugged him and rejoiced that he was saved, George found out that the visiting man was his dad. Wow, because George Foreman kept casting out the gospel net even when it didn't make sense, his dad got saved.

     Friends, there's gonna be times that you preach at churches and over this internet and say Why am I wasting my time? No one is looking at my website and no one is coming to hear me preach. My family keeps rejecting me and many people are persecuting me; Why should I witness any more to my family? Why should I invite people to hear me preach? Why should I keep praying for people that reject me? 

     Brother Bob responds to the above questions saying because the next time you cast out the gospel net and preach one more time anywhere, even if you don't feel like it and it doesn't make sense, God will save your lost dad; God will save your lost mom; God will save your lost son or your lost daughter; God will save your lost friends. Keep casting out the gospel net when it doesn't make sense like George Foreman on the shores of this life and you will win your family and multitudes all over this earth to the Lord Jesus. 

     Next, pictured above we see that after Peter left the shore, he learned that when it doesn't make sense in the ship of life, if we obey Jesus, we will receive our miracle. Matthew 14:24 says But the ship was now in the midst of the sea, tossed with waves; for the wind was contrary. And in the fourth watch of the night Jesus went unto them, walking on the sea. And when the disciples saw Him walking on the sea, they were troubled, saying, It is a spirit; and they cried out for fear. But straightway Jesus spake unto them, saying, Be of good cheer; it is I; be not afraid. 

     Matthew 14:28 goes on to say And Peter answered Him and said, Lord, if it be thou, bid me come unto thee on the water; And He said, Come. And when Peter was come down out of the ship, he walked on the water to go to Jesus. 

     In other words, it did not make sense that Jesus was walking on water. And then it did not make sense that Jesus said Peter come to me and walk on the water. And wow, Peter stepped out by faith and walked on the water to Jesus. His ankles didn't even get wet. Peter holds the record for being the only man to walk on water. 

     Friends everywhere, like Peter, we are all just one step away from our miracle. Just believe God when it doesn't make sense in the ship of your life, and step out by faith and receive your miracle. I pray in Jesus name, people will step out by faith and preach the gospel of our Lord Jesus on this internet and in many churches all over this earth, seeing many miracles. Everyone it's time to walk on water and receive your miracle. Remember when man says no, God says yes; All things are possible with our Lord Jesus. Philippians 4:13 says I can do all things through Christ which strengtheneth me.    

     Finally, we see that Peter learned that when it doesn't make sense in the storms of life, if we obey and trust in Jesus, we will see the majesty of Jesus. Mark 4:37 tells us And there arose a great storm of wind, and the waves beat into the ship, so that it was now full. And He (Jesus) was in the hinder part of the ship, asleep on a pillow; and they awake him, and say unto Him, Master, carest thou not that we perish? And He arose, and rebuked the wind, and said unto the sea, Peace be still. And the wind ceased and there was a great calm.

     In other words, Peter and the disciples learned that when it doesn't make sense during the storms of this life, ask Jesus to help you. When there's nothing you can do to stop a storm, just ask Jesus by faith to calm your storms and give you peace. And Jesus will say to your storm peace be still and the storms will cease.

     Note that after Jesus said peace be still to the storm, the raging waves laid down like sleeping dogs at Jesus' feet and the winds howling like maniacs began to whisper softly like babes in sleep. Also, the dark clouds rolled back and curled away like a scroll in the sky, the birds began to sing, and the trees were waving Hallelujah on both sides of the banks of the Sea of Galilee. This made the disciples say at Mark 4:41 What manner of man is this, that even the wind and the sea obey Him?

     I close this bible study by writing about a lunatic in an insane asylum who kept blessing our Lord Jesus even though his life didn't make sense. Pictured above in 1940 Frederick Lehman wrote only two verses to a song entitled The Love of God. Songs would not be published though until they had three verses. It took Frederick Lehman 8 years to discover the third verse for the song The Love Of God. 

     In 1948, Frederick Lehman found the last verse for his song The Love Of God while preaching at an insane asylum. Mr. Lehman was cleaning out a man's few possessions he had left behind after expiring in an insane asylum. This man had been forsaken by his family; never visited by a preacher; and was not loved by anybody outside or inside the doors of his mental ward.

     Upon this man's death, they called his family and they came to pick up his few belongings. One of his granddaughters slid his little cot away from the wall. When she did, on the wall of an insane asylum from a forsaken man that nobody wanted they found these words scratched on the wall:   

Could we with ink the ocean fill
And were the skies of parchment made

Though every stalk on earth a quill
And every man a scribe by trade

To write the love of God above
Would drain the ocean dry

Nor could the scroll contain the whole
Though stretched from sky to sky

     Truly, even though this insane man's life didn't make sense, he kept casting out the gospel net and praised the Lord Jesus for his love. The result is the completion of a blessed song that gives multitudes all over this earth peace and joy. Remember when it doesn't make sense on the shore of this life, obey Jesus and bless the multitudes. When it doesn't make sense in the ship of this life, obey Jesus and receive your miracle. And when it doesn't make sense during the storms of this life, obey Jesus and see the majesty of Jesus.

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study blesses multitudes all over this earth. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name.

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