Friday, May 3, 2024

Be Like Desmond Doss And Pray Please Lord Help Me Get One More


The Story Of How Medic Desmond Doss Saved 75 Injured Soldiers
Be Like Desmond Doss And Pray Please Lord Help Me Get One More
Mel Gibson Made The 2016 Movie Hacksaw Ridge About Desmond Doss

     Desmond Doss was motivated to serve his country during World War II after Japan bombed Pearl Harbor. Desmond refused to touch a gun per his religious beliefs. Instead he wanted to serve his country as a medic. The army viewed Doss as a conscientious objector; But Doss said that he was a conscientious cooperater. Unfortunately his fellow infantrymen and drill sergeant did not see it that way. 

     When Doss arrived for basic training at Fort Jackson South Carolina, he quickly became an outcast from the rest of the recruits. His slight stature and shyness did not improve the situation and many soldiers believed that he would be a major liability in battle. Desmond Doss was nicknamed "the coward" and faced regular beatings from his fellow enlisted men and verbal taunting from his commanding officers and drill sergeant. The goal was to wash him out of boot camp. And everyone was joining in. 

     Desmond encouraged himself daily by saying Luke 21:17-19: And ye shall be hated of all men for my name's sake. But there shall not an hair of your head perish. In your patience possess ye your souls. Private Doss told everyone I want to be like Jesus in saving lives instead of taking lives. This is the reason I joined the Army to serve as a medic. After a tortuous bootcamp experience, Doss eventually made it to the field of battle as a medic in Okinawa, Japan. 

     In April 1945 Private Doss and his fellow soldiers fought the Japanese at the Maeda Escarpment pictured above (a battlefield located on top of a sheer 400 foot cliff). The site became known as Hacksaw Ridge. A treacherous rope ladder was the only way up the sheer cliff. The Americans stormed the ridge and took the escarpment for less than a day. The next morning the Japanese emerged from catacomb tunnels and drove the US soldiers off the escarpment and back down the rope ladder. Hundreds of wounded soldiers were left behind. Medic Doss was faced with a decision to either abandon the ridge or risk losing his life saving his fellow servicemen. He chose the latter and reentered the battlefield searching for the lost and wounded.

     Desmond Doss was a hero that risked his life for 12 hours successfully saving 75 wounded soldiers. When Doss would find a soldier alive, he would take him back to the edge of the cliff and hoist him down to safety using ropes. Pictured above Doss demonstrated the double bowline knot that he used to lower 75 men down Hacksaw Ridge to safety. Each time Desmond would save a man's life, he would pray out loud; Please Lord help me get one more. Help me get one more. This went on all day and all night. In the end, Private Doss saved 75 men (including wounded Japanese soldiers) before saving himself.

     A Japanese soldier testified that when he could have killed Doss, the bullets would not come out of his rifle. Jesus did not allow any stray bullets to hit Doss for 12 straight hours while he did this miraculous task. Private Doss rescued the men that persecuted him at boot camp. Many of these soldiers had Doss' heroics to thank for their very lives. Doss "the coward" became the bravest man at Hacksaw Ridge. Doss' commanding officer said that he had misjudged Doss and wondered if he could ever forgive him. Doss forgave his captain who was rescued by Doss and they became the best of friends. This captain told Doss on the TV show This Is Your Life, "Doss I owe you my life."

     Eventually the Americans tried to take Hacksaw Ridge again. As they waited to climb the wall, pictured above a radio call broke the silence before the assault with a General asking "Why haven't you started climbing the ridge?" The captain answered "We're waiting for Private Doss to finish his prayers." Hacksaw Ridge was eventually taken and the Japanese were defeated a few months later. 

     After Doss returned to America, he became the first conscientious objector to be awarded the Medal of Honor. President Truman was so excited to meet Doss that he walked right up to him to shake his hand instead of waiting for the soldier to come to him during the awarding ceremony. Fellow soldiers told this story about their gratitude to Desmond Doss. After Doss lost his personal bible on the battlefield, hundreds of his comrades risked their lives and found Doss' bible on the battlefield. All the soldiers had great joy when Doss rejoiced and smiled after receiving his found bible.

Like Desmond Doss Pray Please Lord Help Me Get One More Lost Soul
Help Me Get One More Soul Saved For Jesus On This World's Battlefield

Like Brother Bob On This Internet Tell People Everywhere Get Saved
 Repent Decide To Stop Sinning Confess That Jesus Is God And Believe
 The Gospel That Jesus Died For You On The Cross Was Buried And Rose Again

Say The Prayer Below Inspired By Desmond Doss' Prayer
Please Lord Help Me Get One More

Lord Jesus give us strength to serve you one more day
Help us preach your gospel one more time and win one more soul to the Lord
Give every mother strength to comfort her children one more time

Help those called to preach to prepare one more sermon that is faithful to the truth
Enable us to encourage one more brother or sister to overcome the devil
Help us to visit and encourage one more neighbor, widow, or orphan
Empower every saint to offer up one more prayer for a rebellious son or parent

One more soul to win; One more discouraged person to lift up
One more need to meet; One more truth to teach; One more battle to win
Lord Jesus give us your grace and strength one more time and forever
to shine your glory to this lost world of sinners

Be Like Desmond Doss And Pray Please Lord Help Me Get One More

     After an interview, Desmond Doss described what kept him going for 12 straight hours to save the lives of 75 Americans (including wounded Japanese soldiers). He humbly said "I was praying the whole time, Please Lord help me get one more, Help me get one more." This should be the mindset of every christian trying to win souls for Jesus. Billions of lost sinners on this earth need someone willing to say Please Lord help me get one more soul saved while they offer salvation with Jesus everywhere. 

     Mark 8:36 says For what shall it profit a man, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul. In other words, one saved soul is worth more than all the billions of dollars, palaces, gold, or silver on this earth. Jesus also told us about the precious value of one saved soul at Luke 15:10 that says Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth (in other words Jesus Himself rejoices in the presence of the angels when a soul is saved). After reading this are you willing to be like Desmond Doss and pray please Lord Jesus help me get one more lost soul saved? Give me the strength Lord Jesus to go everywhere and tell people all over this earth about salvation with Jesus. 

     Be like Jesus when you witness to save lost sinners. Jesus considered every lost soul precious (no matter how wicked they lived). Jesus was willing to die on the cross and shed His precious blood to purchase and redeem lost souls from the eternal torment of hell. Mark 10:45 says For even the Son of man came not to be ministered unto but to minister, and to give His life a ransom for many. 

     How foolish it is to play Russian roulette with a lost soul. How wasteful for us to spend our lives on things that won't have lasting eternal value. We cannot gain the world, and even if we could, not only would it not satisfy us, but we could not keep it. Many have tried, but all you will ever gain is a little bit of this world. How cheaply some people sell out. 1 Timothy 6:6 says But godliness with contentment is great gain. For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out. And having food and raiment let us be therewith content. 

     If you want to know how much you really have, then add up every thing you possess that money can not buy and death cannot take away. Obey Jesus' command at Mark 10:21 and build up treasure in heaven by giving to the poor. Finally consider the reality of eternity and lost souls all around you that will either spend eternity with Jesus in heaven or eternity in hell. 

     You might be the only Jesus that anyone sees or hears on this earth to get saved and escape the torment of hell. Paul said at 2 Corinthians 3:2 Ye are our epistle written in our hearts, known and read of all men. Like Desmond Doss and Paul let's all say 1 Corinthians 9:19; For though I be free from all men, yet have I made myself servant unto all, that I might gain the more. Be a good soldier for Jesus like Desmond Doss and obey 2 Timothy 2:3: Thou therefore endure hardness as a good soldier of Jesus Christ. No man that warreth entangleth himself with the affairs of this life, that he may please Him who hath chosen him to be a soldier.

     I have enjoyed writing this bible study about Desmond Doss and hope we all say Please Lord help me get one more soul saved for our Lord Jesus. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin 2233 Pinetree Lane Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day. 

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