Saturday, August 6, 2022

Abide In Jesus; Don't Be Lazy


Keep Living For Jesus; Wake Up; Don't Be Lazy

     Abide in Jesus and don't be lazy. Daily deny your flesh and keep living for Jesus. If you wake up and constantly live for Jesus, your prayers will get answered with great blessings. Jesus said at John 15:7 If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. In other words, if you daily stay in the Word, pray, and go to church (abiding in Jesus), you'll ask and pray for the right things where God will grant all your requests. Right now be blessed greatly and abide in Jesus;  Get saved, repent, decide to stop sinning, confess that Jesus is God, and believe the gospel that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again. 

     Remember the early bird catches the worm. Birds wake up early every morning singing praises to Jesus. Birds don't worry about anything which is why birds have bills but keep on singing. Proverbs 8:17 says I love them that love me and those that seek me early shall find me. Wake up early every day (between 4AM and 6AM) like the birds and when you seek Jesus early, you will find Jesus with peace. Remember Proverbs 20:13 warns us Love not sleep, lest thou come to poverty; open thine eyes and thou shalt be satisfied with bread.

     Yes the early bird catches the worm. It's amazing that anyone who starts working a job at 7AM until 12 Noon will get twice more work done than if they slept until 11AM and then started working on that same job at 1PM until 6PM. Don't be lazy like the old mountain man pictured above sleeping by his dog. When this man's wife said honey I think its raining outside; Would you go out there and look. This lazy mountain man looked around for a minute and said Why don't we just call the dog in and see if he's wet. Now that's what you call lazy. 

Abide In Jesus Like John Wesley
Keep Preaching About Jesus; Don't Be Lazy

     We should all learn how to be blessed by abiding in Jesus from preacher John Wesley. From 1737-1791, John Wesley preached 3 times every day for 54 years. John Wesley rode his horse a total of 250000 miles to daily preach the Word of God for 54 years. In other words John Wesley rode on horseback preaching God's Word a distance that would circle the earth 10 times. And Mr. Wesley did this before cars or planes existed on this earth. Now that's what I call abiding in Jesus. 

     John Wesley also was not lazy. John Wesley never slept past 4AM every morning for most of his life after going to bed around 10PM. John Wesley lived to be 83 and complained at the age of 80 that he had a tendancy to lay in the bed until 5AM or 6AM. Mr. Wesley wrote four volumes of church history, four volumes of commentaries, six books on music, and seven books of blessed sermons. Preachers should all be like John Wesley abiding in Jesus avoiding laziness. 

Abide In Jesus; Don't Be Lazy
The Bible Warns Us To Avoid The Troubles Of Laziness

     The bible warns us to avoid the troubles of laziness. Don't be lazy; Wake up and abide in Jesus. Proverbs 20:4 says the sluggard will not plow by reason of the cold; therefore shall he beg in harvest and have nothing. In other words this lazy person says I will not mow my grass today because it's too wet; I will not mow my grass tomorrow because its too hot; And then he won't mow his grass the next day because he got in too late; and then the next day he won't mow his grass saying its too dark. This lazy man always has some kind of lame excuse to keep from working. He will not plow by reason of the cold or some other excuse and ends up begging with nothing. Remember 2 Thessalonians 3:10 tells us that if any would not work, neither should he eat.  Notice the bible says would not work (not could not work); In other words if a person is lazy, not disabled (and can work); If he doesn't work, he will not eat. 

     Heed the warnings of many bible scriptures telling us to avoid the troubles of laziness. Proverbs 15:19 warns us The way of the slothful man is as an hedge of thorns but the way of the righteous is made plain. Proverbs 18:9 warns us He also that is slothful in his work is brother to him that is a great waster. Hebrews 6:12 tells us That ye be not slothful, but followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. Proverbs 13:4 says The soul of the sluggard desireth and hath nothing but the soul of the diligent shall be made fat. In other words the lazy sluggard desireth and has nothing because he won't get up and work to pay his bills and buy food and clothes; But the diligent working man will get his needs met and prosper. 

Abide In Jesus; Don't Be Lazy
Examples Of Lazy Habits That Should Be Avoided

     Listed below are some lazy habits that should be avoided. A lazy person will buy a bed that will make itself. They are too lazy to make their bed every day. And some lazy people say Why make the bed up; You're gonna get right back in it tonight. Wow these lazy people forgot that cleanliness is next to godliness. Don't be lazy; Make your bed every day so it's clean to sleep in every night. 

     And lazy people today buy lazy reading glasses pictured above to read books while they are laying down. In other words they are too sorry and lazy to raise up their head to read. Please don't become a couch potato. It's a true saying that people that won't get up and people that lay in the bed all the time will never amount to anything. It's been told that a man was so lazy that he wouldn't work in a pie factory pictured above tasting pies even if they changed flavors three times a day. 

Abide In Jesus; Don't Be Lazy
Some Wise Sayings Telling Us To Avoid Lazy Habits
And How To Recognize A Lazy Person

     Here are some wise sayings telling us to avoid the trouble of lazy habits and how to recognize a lazy person. George Whitfield said It is better to wear out (abiding and working for Jesus daily) than to rust out (being lazy and doing nothing for Jesus). Laziness is resting before you get tired. Lazy people are like blisters; They don't show up until the work is done and then only to aggravate you. A lazy person will say I've heard all my life that hard work won't kill you but why take a chance. These lazy people say instead of standing on the promises, we're sitting on the premises. These lazy people need to learn that idle time breeds wandering thoughts; the devil finds mischief for idle hands; and that the way to be nothing is to do nothing. Remember a lazy person is the workshop for the devil because an idle mind is the devil's workshop.

Abide In Jesus; Don't Be Lazy
Some More Wise Sayings About Lazy People
Don't be LAZY Which Is
Lowdown, Awful, Zapped, And Yucky

     Don't be a lazy lowdown father who sleeps each day until 11:30AM while his kids are playing in the backyard unless he's recovering from sickness or working the third shift all night. This lowdown father needs to take all his empty beer cans in his backyard and take them to the aluminum recycling plant and sell them. Then he needs to wake up early each day and try to get a job anywhere to provide for his family. I tell people as long as you try to get a job (even if you get refused a job many times) I'll help you. But it's wrong to not even try to get a job for years and do nothing. 1 Timothy 5:8 says But if any provide not for his own and specially for those of his own house, he hath denied the faith and is worse than an infidel. 

     One preacher said that the best pet for a lazy person is a pet rock. You just keep the pet rock at the house; You don't have to feed it; The pet rock doesn't require any upkeep; And you don't have to worry about somebody taking care of your pet rock when you go on vacation. 

     Here's some more wise bible scriptures about lazy people. Don't be like these lazy people. Proverbs 12:27 says The slothful (lazy) man roasteth not that which he took in hunting but the substance of the diligent man is precious. In other words this lazy man went out and shot something and he's too lazy to cook it. Proverbs 22:13 says The slothful man saith There is a lion without; I shall be slain in the streets. In other words this lazy man says I will not work because I'm afraid of a lion in the streets. And then Proverbs 19:15 tells us Slothfulness casteth into a deep sleep and an idle soul shall suffer hunger. 

     Instead of being lazy, keep moving and abiding in Jesus daily. Don't be lazy like a puddle of water that doesn't move, gets dirty, and is useless; Instead keep moving and abiding in Jesus like a mighty flowing waterfall where you are always fresh, clean, healthy, and alive with peace. When an obstacle in your way comes up; Go over it; And if you can't climb over it, Go around it; And if you can't go around it, Tunnel through it; And if you can't tunnel through it and nothing else works, Just keep asking Jesus to move the obstacle and eventually if you don't quit and keep praying, God will move the obstacle. Remember quitters never win and winners never quit. A preacher once said that the secret to success is to do common things uncommonly well. It has been said that Coming together is the beginning; Staying together is progress; And working together is success. 

     I'll finish today's bible study with some more bible scriptures about lazy people. Don't be like these lazy people. Proverbs 24:30 describes the lazy man saying I went by the field of the slothful and by the vineyard of the man void of understanding. And lo, it was all grown over with thorns and nettles had covered the face thereof, and the stone wall was broken down. Then I saw and considered it well; I looked upon it and received instruction. Yet a little sleep, a little folding of the hands to sleep; So shall thy poverty come as one that travelleth and thy want as an armed man.  

     Proverbs 26:14 describes a lazy man saying As the door turneth upon his hinges so doth the slothful upon his bed. In other words when a door continually turns in and out and goes nowhere, it's like a lazy person turning over and over on his bed and going nowhere. This lazy person turns over in his bed and when he gets tired of laying on one side, he turns over and lays on the other side. Don't be lazy and turn from side to side on a bed; Get out of the bed and daily live for Jesus. Instead of wasting your time on facebook and texting all day on a cellphone, do something on this internet for Jesus and win some souls.

     Finally Proverbs 26:16 says The sluggard is wiser in his own conceit than seven men that can render a reason. In other words a lazy person will tell you that he has all the answers to any problem, but he won't lift up his little finger to help you. These lazy people always have some get rich quick scheme where you can get a lot of money without working. In most cases these get rich quick schemes are crooked. 

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study blesses people everywhere on this earth, even in the remote jungles of Bolivia where the capital is La Paz. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up the Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name.     

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