Saturday, July 6, 2019

Blessed Uplifting Thoughts

A Story About Walnuts And Pumpkins

     A tired farmer sat under a walnut tree looking at his pumpkin vines. He said to himself God is foolish to put heavy pumpkins on a frail vine so it has to lie on the ground and then put small walnuts on a tree with branches that can hold a man. Just then a breeze dislodged a walnut and it fell on the farmer's head. The old farmer rubbed his head ruefully and said "Good thing it wasn't a pumpkin up there".

     In other words, don't question anything our Lord Jesus places in our lives. The farmer learned why God didn't place pumpkins on trees quickly after the little walnut hit his head. Friends don't question anything our Lord Jesus said in the bible. Follow the bible that is God's road map for you to succeed in life. It doesn't make sense that a mustard seed of faith can move a mountain and that praying in the name of Jesus will bring results with answered prayer. But if you just believe the promises of God's Word like a little child and do them you will be blessed.

     Just believe God's Word and say when I pray with a mustard seed of faith according to Matthew 17:20 I will say to the mountain blocking my blessings Remove hence to yonder place and it shall remove and nothing shall be impossible for me. And pray your request in Jesus name believing the promise of John 14:13-14 stated by our Lord Jesus "And whatsoever ye shall ask in my name that will I do, that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If ye shall ask anything in my name, I will do it. 

     Brother Bob believes the promises of God's Word that offers salvation to anyone that repents, believes Jesus is God, and believes that Jesus died for them, was buried, and rose again. Right now get saved and repent, confess Jesus to be your God, and believe daily that Jesus died for you on the cross, was buried, and rose again. Salvation with our Lord Jesus is better than anything this world offers.

Pictured Above We See Herman Who Fell Asleep At Church
Herman Placed The Following Note On His Shirt Sleeve For All To Read

Now I lay me down to sleep
The sermons long the subjects deep

If he gets through before I awake
Please give me a little shake

     Don't be like Herman and wake up and go to church staying alert and listening to the preacher's sermon. Ephesians 5:14 tells us Awake thou that sleepest, and arise from the dead, and Christ shall give thee light. See then that ye walk circumspectly, not as fools, but as wise. Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. Time is moving quickly and only what we do for Jesus will last. Wake up and tell everyone on this earth about our Lord Jesus and win souls everywhere. RG Lee said life moves so fast it's like a thin footprint on a sea lashed shore, the stay of a postman, the glimpse of a passing ship, and a quick burst of music down a crowded street. Therefore make the most of every moment of your life by sharing Jesus everywhere with everyone.

     And remember the warning stated at 1 Corinthians 15:33-34 Be not deceived; evil communications corrupt good manners (in other words don't waste time by texting evil communications on facebook and twitter with cellphones). Wake up and instead of facebook put your face in the right book (the bible). Instead of getting many friends on facebook be like Abraham and be a friend of God. Notice that in the next verse at 1 Corinthians 15:34 God says that instead of wasting time sleeping with evil communications, get your face out of a cellphone, look around, and Awake to righteousness and sin not; (because there are billions of lost sinners all around us needing to hear about Jesus and get saved) for some have not the knowledge of God; I speak this to your shame.

Don't be like the man in the poem below who realized too late
that he wasted his life and didn't win souls for Jesus
Give purpose to your life and use this internet to win souls to Jesus

These Wasted Years
written by Theodore Brennan

I looked upon a farm one day that once I used to own
The barn had fallen to the ground; the fields were overgrown

The house in which my children grew where we had lived for years
I turned to see it broken down and brushed aside the tears

I looked upon my soul one day to find it too had grown
With thorns and nettles everywhere; the seeds neglect had sown

The years had passed while I had cared for things of lesser worth
The things of heaven I let go when minding things of earth

To Christ I turned with bitter tears and cried O Lord forgive
I haven't much time left for thee; not many years to live

The wasted years forever gone; the days I can't recall
If I could live those days again; I'd make Jesus Lord of all

The Penny

A Blessed Story About A Little Four Year Old Girl's 
Offering Of A Penny To A Missionary

     A little four year old girl longed to share the message of Jesus to those on the mission field. She contributed a penny to a missionary to help in reaching the primitive people of Burma (now Myanmar). The missionary was so moved by the little girl's response that he decided to do the most he could with that little penny. After careful thought, he bought a gospel tract and personally gave it to a chief of a tribe in Burma.

     The chief could not read and really wanted to know the contents of the little gospel tract. The chief travelled 250 miles to find someone who could read him the gospel tract. After hearing the gospel message about our Lord Jesus, the chief got gloriously saved and professed Jesus to be his Lord. Returning to his tribe, the chief told his people what Jesus had done for him. And later the chief invited missionaries to come and share Jesus with the people of his village. Many tribesmen accepted the good news about Jesus and got saved.

All this and probably more resulted from one dedicated penny
given in Jesus name by a little four year old girl helping
 missionaries save souls with the gospel of Jesus 

     How encouraging that God can use a little penny to win thousands of people to Jesus in Burma. Friend reading this anywhere, you might not have much, but Jesus can use whatever you have to bless multitudes all over this earth. Brother Bob only has a little old computer in a poor neighborhood in Reynoldsburg, Ohio but Jesus has blessed the words of these little bible studies at preachbrotherbob to bless around 200000 people all over this earth. Believe the promise of Jesus that if you are faithful in the little small things, Jesus will make you ruler over great things.

I just had to write this blessed thought about a penny
dedicated to my friend Randy from Faith Bible Baptist Church in Eden NY

Who is the only President that was not guilty
Abraham Lincoln who was Innocent (In A Cent)

To close out today's bible study I share a poem given to me by
David Berkowitz (my blessed friend who is saved)
The former Son of Sam who I've written to for 10 years

What We Have In Jesus

A love that can never be fathomed
A righteousness that can never be tarnished
A peace that can never be understood
A rest that can never be disturbed
A joy that can never be diminished
A hope that can never be disappointed
A glory that can never be clouded
A life that can never die

A light that can never be darkened 
A happiness that can never be interrupted
A strength that can never be weakened
A purity that can never be defiled
A beauty that can never be marred
A wisdom that can never be baffled 
And resources that an never be exhausted.

     I pray in Jesus name that this little bible study blesses multitudes all over this earth. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus be blessed everyone in Jesus name. 

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