Sunday, September 10, 2017

Avoiding Mediocrity

     Today, Brother Bob encourages my friends everywhere to be magnificent and not mediocre christians. Come out of do littleness and do nothingness into doing much for our Lord Jesus Christ. No more halfway for Jesus but all the way for Jesus. Don't be lazy and waste your life away on selfish desires. Life moves fast; so use each moment to witness and save souls. Tell people everywhere to get saved, repent, stop sinning, make Jesus their God and remember daily that Jesus died on the cross, was buried, and rose again.

     Ecclesiastes 9:10 says Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with all thy might. When was the last time you shared Jesus with someone and won a soul to our Lord Jesus? Every saint should win at least one soul to our Lord Jesus every year. Luke 15:10 says Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repenteth.

    Notice the two pictures above and don't be mediocre like a farmer having modern farming equipment that chose to cut his wheat with only an ancient Babylonian scythe from the Euphrates valley. Avoid mediocrity and laziness by choosing to devote all the time of your life sharing Jesus with lost sinners all over this earth. Avoid being mediocre like a man that plows only 4 furrows when he has 10 furrows to plow. Or like a person that plays only 10 strings on a 1000 string harp.

     Avoid mediocrity like the stenographer with two bright keen eyes and ten super fingers who shuts one eye and only uses one finger to type. Avoid mediocrity like the owner of a battleship with 24 guns that only uses 5 of these guns to fight the enemy. Avoid mediocrity where when a piano has to be moved in a church, many members volunteer to move only the chair.

Don't Live A Mediocre Life Like Solomon Grundy
Solomon Grundy
Born on Monday
Christened on Tuesday
Married on Wednesday
Sick on Thursday
Worse on Friday
Died on Saturday
Dead on Sunday
Thus ends the life of Solomon Grundy

     Avoid mediocrity and choose to please the Lord Jesus and not man. Colossians 3:23 tells us And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men. Don't be mediocre and just subdue sparrows and catch rabbits; Become a lion tamer and be willing to reach out to the untamed lost of this world through witnessing about Jesus on this internet or as a missionary to a remote land. 

     Faithfulness needed, we have been false too many times. Heroism needed, we have shown cowardice too many times. Humbleness needed, we have shown pride too many days, forgetting that God resisteth the proud. Volunteers called for, we have served only through conscription and pressing coercion all too often. Applied christianity is needed, but we have been content with implied christianity. Devotional vitality demanded and we have been content with mere formality. Too many men have chosen to become famous worldly giants and have become spiritual pygmies. The wisdom which is earthly, sensual, devilish we have often manifested instead of the true wisdom (Jesus and the Word of God).

     Instead of being only mediocre, choose to live a normal life and grow by shining Jesus brighter and brighter each day of your life. Learn from nature to become better and reach more souls for Jesus each day displaying growth to shine Jesus to this lost world. From the rill (tiny brook) to the river, from the river to the ocean, from the bud to the blossom, from the blossom to the fruit, from the acorn to the oak, from the microscopic cell to the coral reef. Mark 4:28 tells us For the earth bringeth forth fruit of herself: first the blade, then the ear, after that the full corn in the ear. Like nature, grow by reading and memorizing the Word of God daily. Psalm 1 promises that God will prosper and fix everything in your life if you daily memorize the scriptures and the Word of God. 

     I pray in Jesus name that like the picture above, our inner brooks of the peace of Jesus break out into flowing rivers that widen into spiritual oceans of living water. Don't just gather mere handfuls of flowers for petty pleasures and personal adornment when there are fields white unto the harvest calling us to bring in the sheaves and save lost souls for Jesus. Psalm 126:6 promises He that goeth forth and weepeth, bearing precious seed (the Word of God), shall doubtless come again with rejoicing, bringing his sheaves (souls won to our Lord Jesus) with him.   

     Get out of your personal comfort zone and launch out into the deep for our Lord Jesus to win souls. What are you willing to do today to win souls to our Lord Jesus? Jesus said at Luke 5:4 Launch out into the deep, and let down your nets (to be fishers of men and win souls) for a draught. Don't be content to keep the anchor of your ship voyaging to save lost sinners busier and more overworked than your rudder.

     Avoid mediocrity with much profession oft and little possession oft; measuring inches oft when God demands yards and miles; weighing inches oft when God demands pounds and tons; appearing as platters clean only on the outside, while filthy sinfulness has dominion on the inside. 

     Avoid mediocrity; Don't just use a pushcart when you can use a locomotive. Don't just be a puny pygmy piddling potter clay in the face of peaks when you can be a magnificent blessing for our Lord Jesus. Don't just choose to creep along like a sluggard; choose to lay hold on the plough handles for Jesus and bear much fruit for our Lord Jesus. Jesus told us at Luke 9:62 No man, having put his hand to the plough, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God.

     Right now say I'm gonna be magnificent and not mediocre for Jesus because John 15:8 says Herein is my Father glorified that ye bear much fruit (not a little bit of fruit) so shall ye be my disciples. Also say Jesus I'm gonna grow up and put away childish mediocre worldly lusts and become your faithful servant because 1 Corinthians 13:11 says When I was  child, I spake as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

Read DL Moody's advice on how to become magnificent instead of mediocre

     One day I saw a steel engraving that I like very much. I thought it was the finest thing I ever had seen at the time and I bought it. It was a picture of a woman coming out of the water and clinging with both arms to the cross. There she came out of the drowning waves with both arms around the cross, perfectly safe. 

     Afterward, I saw another picture that spoiled this one for me entirely; It was so much more lovely. It was a picture of a person coming out of the dark waters with one arm clinging to the cross and with the other she was lifting some one else out of the waves. This is what I like. Keep a firm hold upon the cross, but always try to rescue another from drowning. Don't just be mediocre and cling to the cross by yourself with both arms. Become magnificent and cling to the cross with one arm, and reach out with your other arm to save lost sinners all over this earth.

     As always, it is a blessing to send these bible studies all over this earth that I pray in Jesus name bless multitudes with peace. Feel free to email Brother Bob anytime at or write to Brother Bob Malkin, 2233 Pinetree Lane, Apt. N., Reynoldsburg, Ohio 43068. (614) 604-7133. Till we all meet again soon to lift up our Lord Jesus, everyone have a blessed day in Jesus name.  

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